About this project
The Center for Early Learning Professionals gives early childhood programs and providers the tools, support, and resources they need to provide high-quality care and education to Rhode Island’s youngest children.
Brightspin designed, developed, and implemented all three major components of the suite of Tools for the Center for Early Learning Professionals. These tools, which will also be described in detail below, include a Grant Application & Management tool, Technical Assistance Tracking tool, and Professional Development Events Registration.
The Center for Early Learning Professionals is part of Exceed–Rhode Island’s Early Childhood Commitment, the initiative implementing the state’s Race to the Top–Early Learning Challenge Grant.
Detailed Overview of Tools
Grant Management – Childcare Center Directors apply for Grants, through a 6 step application with a dynamic budget screen, to help improve their programs through our Grant Management system while Center ELP Administrators manage the overall application process.
Administrator Management includes a complex set of features and functions including the ability creating new “waves” of grant applications, approval and rejection workflows, automated quarterly report workflow, and a completely custom funding process.
Technical Assistance Tracking – Technical assistance (TA) is a customized process that helps programs to improve quality and outcomes for children. Tracking of TA occurs at the individual or small group level with detailed tasks, goals, and next steps tracked at each session and is personalized to the Grant and to the Center/Family Childhood Provider.
Professional Development Event Registration & Management – A Professional Development (PD) Registration & Management system was created for all registered users to the Center ELP suite of tools allowing them to register for specific events over several sessions. Administrators are able to approve or decline requests, create new events, manage lists, and manage the overall process of PD Events. All Professional Development is shared via custom API endpoints with the Rhode Island Start Early System (RISES).