About this project
The Home Visiting Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (HV CoIIN) builds capacity for continuous quality improvement (CQI) among awardees of the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program and local implementing agencies (LIAs), to unleash the potential of home visiting and realize large-scale improvements in family outcomes
Brightspin built individual and collaborative-wide dashboards and reports for imported monthly data in order to provide continuous and ongoing effort to achieve measurable improvements in the efficiency, effectiveness, performance, accountability, outcomes, and other indicators of quality for states and agencies. This application includes several dashboard features, including a visual representation for AIMS, baseline medians, shifted medians, trends, shifts, and small multiples, at the individual and aggregated levels. Easy access to data for evaluators and CQI team members has proven critical to the success of the program.